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Kamis, 23 April 2015

how to make a scientific poster

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

The Potency of My Country

           Indonesia has very wide area from Sabang to Merauke. The Indonesia’s total area is 5,193,252 Km2, or - if converted to hectares- 519,235,200 ha. The total area of mainland is one-third of the total area, approximately 189,000,000 ha. By population, Indonesia also has a population of one of the biggest in the world, i.e. moreless 250,000,000 persons. So, if the land area divided evenly at each individual will get 7,500 m2. Indonesia also has extraordinary natural resources potency, in terms of mining, agriculture and culture. Gold mine, located in Papua, never run-out and the Uranium appears when the issue of gold depletion of which cost twice compared to the price of gold itself. This country is also rich of oil mining. Famous petroleum company, Pertamina PT, is not the biggest company in the country whereas another company, Chevron PT which foreign owned, dominates oil mining in Indonesia, drain Indonesia's natural richness and supply to across the country in the world. in fact, this country have the largest reserves of geothermal energy in the world, which is still no more 2 percent used, so abundant coal mine scattered on the Borneo and Sumatera islands, also a tin mine in Bangka island, the second largest ocean in the world, thousands of languages,customs and tribal and much more.
           In terms of agriculture, the State is called an agrarian country, in a song mentioned "throwing wooden sticks becoming a plant". The country are shined by the sun throughout the year, suitable climate, and fertile land. Total Agricultural land area is about 41 million hectares, equivalent to 23% of the total land. the swampyland  in Indonesia reached 33 million ha, which only about 4,5 million ha were developed, whereas this swamp land  potentially to be developed to overcome the problems that currently unanswered, namely self-sufficiency.In the plantation sector, Indonesia has 10.5 million ha of oil palm estate but if it compared to Malaysia the productivity of 20,000 ha equal to 5000 ha Malaysia’s oil-palm estate. President Joko Widodo on his campaign said that “Indonesia will not import anymore moreover for food”. But, in the fact The Trade Ministry permitted to import the sugar raw material on April, 01 2015, as much as circa 945,643 tones.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015



Fadhil Tamamin1
 1Agtoekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih Km 32 Inderalaya 30662


The agricultural sector is one of the main and dominant sectors in South Sumatra, which is the largest contributor for the regional economy. The agricultural land in South Sumatera is 5,524,725 ha, or 70 % from the total area. However, the length of trading system is one of the main problem of the agricultural sector, is detrimental to farmers because the farmers sold their crop at very low prices to the middlemen whom come to the villages. Therefore, to ensure

Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah (LKTI) Nasional 2015

U-Read--National Paper Competition 2015

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Iklim (Global Warming and Climate Change)

Pemanasan Global adalah meningkatnya suhu rata-rata permukaan bumi akibat peningkatan jumlah emisi Gas Rumah Kaca di atmosfer. Pemanasan Global akan diikuti dengan Perubahan Iklim, seperti meningkatnya curah hujan di beberapa belahan dunia sehingga menimbulkan banjir dan erosi. Sedangkan , di belahan bumi lain akan mengalami musim kering yang berkepanjangan disebabkan kenaikan suhu.

Faktor-Pengendali iklim

Faktor-Pengendali iklim
1. Penerimaan Radiasi:
beragam antar lokasi dan waktu
jarak bumi-matahari:        1 juli 152 juta km(aphelion)
1 Jan 147 km(peri helion)

2.   Letak lintang:  àradiasi, panjang hari dan suhu
posisi utara-selatan bumi-matahari
21 maret           : 0 ekuator
21 juni               : 23,5  LU
23 september   : 0 ekuator
21 Desember : 23,5 LS

3.   Ketinggian tempat: à tekanan dan suhu berubah
dp/dz = 11 mb/ 1 km
dt/dz  = -6,5 oC/km (normal lapse rate)
Tz1    =        tz0 – ((z1-z0) x 6,1)
          =       (26,3-(tz1 x 6,1)) oC

4. Posisi tempat thd lautan
laut sumber uap air: angin laut berpengaruh thd RH, angin kencang, curah hujan, udara sejuk dll.

5.         Pusat tekanan tingi x rendah dibumi
Musim panas: benua bersuhu tinggi, bertekanan rendah,  lautan bersuhu rendah pusat tekanan tinggi, angin bertiup dari samudra ke benua
Musim dingin: pendinginan terjadi di benua shg menjadi pusat tekanan tinggi,  lautan bersuhu tinggi mejadi pusat tekanan rendah, angin bertiup dari lautan ke benua

6. Aliran masa udara:
Angin panas dan kering dari padang pasir pada musim panas
Angin panas dan basah dari samudra pada musim panas
Angin dingin dan dan basah dari samudra pada musim dingin
Angin kutub yang dingin dan kering

7. Halangan pegunungan (mountain barrier):
Wilayah menghadap lereng muka(windward side)
Hujan Orografi: CH wilayah Jakarta ke arah Bogor
Tj Priuk (1m)           1622 mm/th
Bogor ( 250 m)        4250 mm/th
Cibogo (600 m)       5999 mm/tha
Wilayah menghadap lereng belakang (Leeward side)
Udara dan angin kering: angin bahorok, kumbang dll.

8. Arus laut
Aliran masa air dingin dari wilayah kutub
Arus masa air hangat di samudra Fasifik di musim dingin
9. Radiasi Surya:
  • Radiasi merupakan unsur iklim yang paling dominan, karena akan mempengaruhi intenistas unsur iklim lainnya.
  • Penerimaan radiasi di puncak atmosfer: 1360 w/m2 (solar konstan):
·                28 % dipantulkan ke luar atmosfer
·                25 % diserap atmosfer untuk pemanasan
·                47 % diteruskan atmosfer dan diserap permukaan bumi
  • Neraca radiasi global:
Qn= H + λE + G + P
Radiasi netto Qn  digunakan untuk pemanasan udara H dan tanah G, evapotranspirasi λE dan fotosíntesis P (< 5%)

·         Unsur iklim Radiasi surya yang berbeda akibat rotasi dan revolusi:

·       Siang bumi menerima panas, pemanasan

·       Malam melepas panas pendinginan

·       - Musim panas bumi  menerima panas pamanasan,
·       - Musim dingin sedikit panas, pendinginan
(pemanasan/pendinginan berdampak pada peruabahan suhuà tekanan udara àangin, à RH à evapotranspirasi, à kondensasi àawanisasiàpresipitasi)

By : My Lecturer